Despite the increase in the use of technology in the workplace, employees are still a big part of enhancing productivity. It can be frustrating when a team doesn't reach its full potential when you know they are capable. However, a lot of that has to do with the measures you put in place to boost their productivity. Instead of micromanagement and the constant motivational talks, you can incorporate the following effective ways.
By Team Savant
Image: Olga Serjantu
1. Minimise Distractions
Distractions in the workplace can reduce employee productivity, for example, social media, noise, and frequent movement. This is especially true for an open-plan office. Consider partitioning the already available space using Multipanel UK aluminum composite panels to give employees their own offices. It will not only reduce distractions but also give employees a sense of superiority.
Incorporate a no-phone policy to increase employees’ focus and engagement in their work. However, consider giving them short breaks where they can check their phones.
2. Provide the Right Equipment and Tools
Ensure that your employees have all the necessary equipment to keep them comfortable and assist them to work effectively. Invest in modern technology that is effective and provides quality output. Delays due to malfunctioning lower employees' morale as they have to wait and probably redo an activity due to poor quality. The right tools and equipment also determine how clients perceive your business.
3. Positive Reinforcement
To boost employee productivity, remember to motivate, reward, and encourage them to keep up with the good work. Offer gifts and incentives for good work to boost productivity levels. These can be through bonuses, paid time off, taking them on luncheons or dinner, or coupons for lazy days.
Speak positively of your employees amongst other people to motivate them and reward the most effective employees publicly.
4. Delegate
Delegating can be challenging for business owners at first, but with time, you notice its advantages. It establishes trust and loyalty within your employees, ultimately boosting their productivity. Employees who take on these leadership roles get an opportunity to improve their skills through experience, and this benefits your company. Additionally, it reduces the chances of you micromanaging employees that can be demotivating.
5. Provide Training
While cutting down on training programs can seem like an excellent way to cut down expenses, it increases ineffectiveness among employees. Training allows employees to attain new skills or refresh their minds on old skills. Cutting down on it forces new employees to learn on the job, thus reducing productivity as they have to accomplish tasks haphazardly.
Promote employee development through seminars, individual coaching, mentorship, courses, and workshops.
6. Communicate Clearly
Communication is crucial to employee productivity. While modern technology has brought with it simpler and fast ways of contacting each other, they can be time-consuming. As a manager, encourage and adopt more antique voice-to-voice methods such as phone calls or quick meetings. They save time from composing and responding to emails or texts while getting the message across clearly.
Bottom Line
A productive workforce is vital to any workplace; it determines its success. Create a flexible workplace for your employees to motivate them to work smarter and be more productive. You can do so by removing distractions, delegating leadership roles, and providing the right tools and equipment. Communicate clearly to employees, provide training, and encourage positive reinforcement.