It is so important when you start your own small business to consider all of the little things. Things such as the amenities you keep in the kitchen or the cleaning rota you have for employees — all of these small things are crucial for a happy office. Today we talk about health and safety in particular and explore its role in the safe running of an office. When managing an office full of people, it is important for you to consider health and safety training for your workers to keep them safe at work. In this article, we will show you how you can provide an efficient safety training to your employees.
By Team Savant
Talk It Through
The first way to provide safety training to your employees is to call a meeting and discuss health and safety practices to your team. You can create a PowerPoint presentation to present the information in an easily digestible way and during the meeting make sure to encourage questions from your employees to ensure that they understand what you are talking about and what you want them to do.
Use Study Material
Using a company such as Kallibr WHS to help you provide training to your employees is the best way to ensure that all of the important information is relayed. You need to make sure that you provide all of the essential information for your employee’s safety because if you forget anything too crucial and someone does get hurt, you could be liable for not providing training on the subject. Contacting the professionals is often the best way to ensure that you teach everything you need to.
Provide A Video
One of the best ways to present health and safety training to your employees is through video. Video will capture the attention of your employees much more than a piece of paper would, and it will allow them to see examples of good practice first hand. This can teach them things such as internet safety; safely carrying goods; and safe appliance use.
Provide A Tour Of The Office/Site
If you have an office building that also has a warehouse attached it is a great idea for you to provide your employees with a tour of the whole workplace. Often sitting in a room and talking about health and safety is not enough to ingrain information into your employees and this is why heading out for a walk is a brilliant idea. You can take them through to different points of interest and discuss health and safety as you go and they are more likely to retain this information and use it.
Make A Quiz
One of the ways to solidify to teachings you have shared with your employees is to have a quiz for them to complete at the end of their training. This will allow your employees to remember their teachings and will help you understand how effective the training was and whether some things need to be reiterated.