Electronic cigarettes continue to boom in popularity, especially among young people. As the infographic below highlights, vapers have been attracted by the range of choices and flavours. Even traditional cigarette brands have hopped on the bandwagon, and have started introducing their own versions of e-liquids and vapes.
By Team Savant
Image: Vaporesso
Despite this, the industry is still relatively new, and the implications of its increased use is still relatively unknown. Having been a budding industry for over a decade, it still hasn’t been properly researched, with the health consequences on long-term vapers still being relatively unknown.
Of the studies that have been completed, many of which have been short-term, it seems as though there haven’t been any adverse health consequences. This is despite the continued and growing popularity of vaping and the related industry. A lot of this has led to the perception that vaping was a lot safer than traditional smoking and cigarettes.
Whether or not this is true is debatable, and the science still isn’t exactly clear on it. That leads to worries among critics about what the long-term use of vapes and e-liquids have among users, which predominantly comprises young people.
The fact traditional cigarette companies are becoming more and more predominant in the industry doesn’t exactly help this. With worldwide vaping use continuing to rise, it’s easy to see why concerns are growing accordingly. Add in the fact pre-teens are increasingly at risk of trying this, and it becomes even more apparent that something needs to be done.
Check out the infographic below for more information.