Getting people into your retail store is challenging enough in this day and age, as many people prefer to shop online. However, there are still those other stores in town that will be taking away your business, so the threats to your business won't be entirely online-based. So, what can you do to get more people into your retail store? These suggestions might be useful to execute on, especially if you're currently experiencing problems increasing footfall.
By Team Savant
Image: Jason Briscoe
Create An Excellent First Impression
What do people see when they walk past your store? If the outside is a bit of a mess, perhaps because the paintwork is crumbling or because your window display is cluttered, they might walk on by. So, make a concerted effort to create a better first impression. On a very basic level, a fresh coat of paint will do much to improve your exterior, especially if you use bold colours to make your store stand out. However, you might want to elevate the outside of your store with bespoke fascia signage too, as local shoppers won't fail to notice your shop if you have something bold and upfront to dazzle them as they walk near.
You should also improve your window display, so use this foolproof guide to create something that will give your potential customers a better look at what you are selling. And give people a glimpse into your store, perhaps by leaving the door open or by clearing space in your window display. If you have the best layout possible inside your store, you are going to encourage people to step through your doors.
Do More to Market Your Business
The onus is on you to get people into your store, so make sure they know what you have to offer. By upping your marketing game, you should see increased footfall into your retail store. So, get out onto the street with flyers and discount vouchers. And if your product can be demonstrated outside, set up a stall and invite people over. When you meet shoppers face to face, you will also have the opportunity to answer any questions they have, and use your best selling techniques to encourage them to buy from you.
Remember too that even though your business isn't online, you can still use digital marketing methods to increase interest. So, set yourself up with a website to let people see what you are selling. Set up social media groups for your business, and encourage your networks to share your posts with others. And make sure your store has a presence on business listing sites, as these are the places people will be browsing when trying to find a store like yours.
Move To New Premises
Image: Artem Gavrysh
We know moving can be an upheaval but if your store is remotely placed and away from regular footfall, then you will struggle to see more people in your store. So, if you're too far away from the high street, and if you're in an area that people are unlikely to visit, consider making a move. A central location could make all the difference, so look online for vacant premises, and check out these other tips for finding the perfect location.
With more people in your store, you will have a better chance of making a profit. So, consider our suggestions, and commit to each one to ensure your shop does not go unnoticed.