How can living a slow life be compatible with the tight deadlines set by your boss? The key is in conquering balance and focus. In other words, working smart, not hard. Of course, taking a step back from our hectic lives and investing in re-building our approach to work and productivity takes time and patience. However, finding the focus, you need to conclude your tasks in time and without additional stress is essential general wellbeing and happiness. Here is where you start.
By Team Savant
Image: Taylor Simpson on Unsplash
1. Meditation
Image: Sonnie Hiles on Unsplash
Several meditation practices are becoming increasingly popular in western countries. While they used to be a beautiful secret of the east, the benefits of mindful meditation have conquered the trust of the most doubtful. While intimidating at first, this practice opens up several ways to look at your intentions and attitude. It can also help practitioners develop more positive, self-encouraging, and self-loving mind frames.
There are many misconceptions around this practice, yet just one session can help you see through the myths and discovering its potential. As little as 10 minutes of meditation in the morning can help you stay focused on your golf for the day, setting you up for success.
2. Natural Remedies
Image: Chelsea shapouri on Unsplash
Improving focus does generally come down to yourself. Your nutrition, habits, lifestyle, and exercise routine are only some of the factors affecting your ability to concentrate and succeed. However, there are some natural remedies that you might consider to set you up on the right path.
For example, CBD oil can help you focus better, and ingredients such as curcumin, rosemary, and green tea assist you in keeping you sharp throughout the day. Naturally, getting sufficient sleep and combining meditation practices to your regular routine can help.
3. Take a Walk to Unleash Your Creativity
Image: Ansley Ventura on Unsplash
Working long hours from a desk or your home can cause you to feel drained. Especially if you cover an original position, like marketing experts, photographers, writers etc, such a block can cause you to fail in your projects. However, if you are looking for an inexpensive, accessible strategy to uncover the creativity that you know is there, take a walk.
Recent studies have shown that exercises such as walks or jogs can help you clear your mind and unleash the creativity you need. Some side benefits not to ignore is that including a step within your routine can help you stay active and healthy. Even better, you should consider heading to a park or nature reserve if this is accessible to you. The natural surroundings, different sounds, and clean air can have restorative effects on your mental and physical health.
4. Do Something for Yourself
Image: Louis Hansel on Unsplash
The most challenging aspect of detaching ourselves from the hectic routine that we have involuntarily consolidated over the years is that we don't realise how affected we are by it. To start a personal revolution, look at carving a portion of time just for yourself, to do something that you genuinely enjoy. Even if this might seem a waste of time at first, it can develop into teaching you something about your personality you didn't know was there. Ultimately, once you have satisfied your inner self, you are happier to finish your work or school project.