Sustainability is something we all need to focus on more, both in business and in life, but your wardrobe might be the last thing you think of as needing to be more eco-friendly. However, the manufacturing of clothes can be extremely detrimental to the environment — about 10% of total carbon emissions around the world are created by the fashion industry. Which is why it’s time for you to think about your wardrobe. Maybe it needs a sustainable upgrade, maybe you’re already dressing sustainably and need a reminder about a few things. Either way, let’s work out whether or not your wardrobe is eco-friendly.
By Team Savant
Image: Amin RK
Check on the Fabric
The fabric used to make your clothes should be natural, if you’re looking to build a sustainable wardrobe. Shop around for clothes made of linen, or organic cotton, and even some types of denim are sustainable and made with little impact on the environment - you just need to know how to read the label!
Most of all, silk clothing is a good option to invest in, as it’s a biodegradable material, and it’s being refined to be more and more eco friendly even as you read this. Keep an eye on the way sustainable materials are being made, as they’re moving fast, and they’re much more worth the money.
Check on the Brand
The next thing to do is check on the brand — is it a sustainable fashion house or clothing company? How does it treat its workers? Where do the clothes come from? Questions like these take a bit of researching, but if you’re sure that new pair of jeans would look perfect on you, but you’re worried about how they were made, taking out your phone and simply looking up the jeans manufacturing company will tell you all you need to know.
All in all, beating fast fashion is all about ensuring your money isn’t funneled its way, and that’s why it’s much better to know all about the ethical brands that deserve your money a whole lot more. And don’t worry, there’s quite a few of them out there!
Avoid Wasting Any Material
And finally, if you’re going to be changing and refining your wardrobe, you need to do so in a sustainable manner too. That’s why it’s important to not waste any material here — you need to make good use of those old, ripped fabrics, even if they came from fast fashion brands.
Donate any clothes that are still in good condition. For those that aren’t, try to repair them with some needle and thread, and then donate them, or even repurpose them. And if your old clothes are totally ruined, you can recycle them at big retail stores, and usually for a bit of extra cash.
Having an eco-friendly wardrobe is just one step towards making your life greener. Take your time, donate the clothes you can’t wear anymore, and make sure you know who you’re shopping with, for future reference!