Here’s The Dirt On Starting a Waste Management Business

As you might be more than aware, there are businesses that are trying to manage their waste all by themselves. That can be difficult, right? But what if you were helping them manage this waste instead? So, what comes to mind when you think of “waste management”? Is it garbage trucks? Is it recycling bins? Maybe your mind immediately thinks of Tony Soprano, the famous TV “waste management consultant.” well, whatever comes to your mind, waste management is more important than ever, not just for businesses but residents and the overall community too. While yes, it might not sound glamorous, it’s one of those industries that keeps the world turning—and the streets clean. Plus, there’s something pretty satisfying about knowing you’re making a difference by keeping things tidy and eco-friendly. But before you jump in with both feet, there are at least 4 things you should keep in mind to make sure your business doesn’t end up, well, in the trash.

By Team Savant

Get to Know the Rules of the Game

Waste management isn’t just about grabbing a truck and picking up garbage. There’s a lot more to it, like understanding different types of waste—hazardous, recyclable, organic—and knowing how to deal with each one safely. Regulations can be a bit of a maze, and they vary depending on where you are. So, before you get too far ahead of yourself, make sure you’re up to speed on all the rules. You don’t want to be hit with a fine because you missed a detail.

Gear Up Without Breaking the Bank

This might be tough because what exactly is the waste you are after? It was mentioned above, but looking more into this is best. Your gear is going to be the heart and soul of your business. We’re talking trucks, bins, and all the tools that help you get the job done. Now, don’t feel like you need to go all out and buy the latest, shiniest equipment right off the bat. 

Start with what you need and what fits your budget—just make sure it’s reliable. And keep up with the maintenance. Nothing kills your day faster than a truck that breaks down in the middle of a route, especially if it’s filled with last night’s leftovers on a sweltering day.

You’ll Need to Get Smart with Your Routes

This is obvious, but still deserves to be mentioned, and that’s that efficiency is everything in waste management. The more efficient your routes, the more you save on time and fuel—and that means more money in your pocket. 

While every business does it differently, you’re going to want to save time and money right there and then, so it would help a lot to invest in routing software so you can easily streamline your routes (and not do it from memory like the old-fashioned way). This alone can actually save on fuel costs and pick-up times.

Think Green, Stay Clean

So, like what was mentioned already, was makes your waste management business so different than all the others? Are you green? How green are you? So depending on what your business is already doing, you should also think about offering recycling programs, composting services, or even exploring waste-to-energy options. 

Not only will this make your business more attractive to eco-conscious clients, but it could also open up new opportunities and revenue streams. Plus, let’s be honest, doing your bit for the environment feels pretty good.