Business is all about human interaction and relationships. When it comes to it, relationships are what makes the business world go round. You need to think about your relationships with your employees, your shareholders, your vendors, and your customers. All of these relationships are vital to becoming a better freelancer and business owner. Now, we’re going to give you 3 useful tools that help you to transform customer relationships into more sales for your business.
By Team Savant
Image: Nathan Dumlao
The Human Touch
AI and online shopping have taken over, right? Well, not necessarily. People still value the human touch, especially when it comes to their idea of quality. Someone is far more likely to want to do business with a person they like rather than a faceless machine.
So, look for ways to put the human touch everywhere, while still maintaining your professionalism. If you sell online, use a blog and colourful product descriptions that endear people to your company and your product. Humour can be one of your best friends, as long as you don’t overuse it.
If you’re selling in person, fantastic. Learn how to judge when customers want to talk and be open to conversation. Yes, some people just want to shop and go, which is great, but some people enjoy a bit of banter and chatter.
People will always buy from people.
Make Buying Easy
One of the most interesting things that holds people back from making a purchase is irritation. If they get frustrated while trying to buy something, they’re more likely to give up and go somewhere else.
You can make buying more convenient and more secure by exploring card payment systems that work.
If you’re selling something online, look into your checkout process and how many people abandon their shopping carts. That can tell you a story. Look for ways to make it quicker and simpler, like a guest checkout option.
If you’re selling in person, make sure your payment systems work properly. You should also think about how long your queues are, so people don’t get impatient and leave.
Customer Loyalty
Repeat customers are the best kinds of customers. You can encourage customer loyalty by ramping up your customer service efforts. Go the extra mile and make people feel as though they’re getting a great deal on your product. If you can, throw in a little extra.
Offer reward schemes to keep your customers coming back and to encourage them to get other people involved in your business. Word of mouth is a powerful way to spread the word about your business, and people do like to help out their friends by making a purchase and getting a good deal.
It’s much easier and cheaper to retain customers than to constantly try to get new ones. So, think about how you can encourage people to come back for more. If you can get people to sign up for email promotions, even better, because you can let them know about any deals.