There are plenty of ways to safeguard your future. It’s always a good idea to invest in your health and your personal relationships, for instance. And then there’s the matter of money. Now, no one’s arguing that money is the most important thing in life. But there’s no doubt that it definitely plays a big role in how much we’re able to simply be at peace. There are only a handful of things that can be as stressful as money issues, after all. Of course, money doesn’t just help you avoid problems. It can actively enhance your life simply by allowing you to do fun things. Take our tips on board, and you’ll feel much more confident about your financial future.
By Team Savant
Image: Mukul Joshi
If there’s one thing to know, it’s that people rarely find themselves in positive financial scenarios by accident; that only happens if you have rich parents or happen to win the lottery. Becoming financially secure by accident is, therefore, not a realistic strategy.
If you’re going to end up in a positive financial situation, then you’ll need to get serious about finances. In this article, we’ll show you how you can do just that. Don’t worry if you’ve been absent-minded about your finances up until this point. The best time to get your finances in shape may have been twenty years ago. But the next best time is right now.
Kill the Dead Expenses
You can think of bills in the same way that you think of clutter in your home. They don’t just accumulate. You begin adult life with zero (or very few) monthly bills. And then, over time, that number just grows and grows and grows. So just as with decluttering your house, perhaps it’s time to declutter your expenses. Take a look at all the automatic payments that come out of your bank account each month. Are all of them still necessary? You may find that you can easily save money just by getting rid of expenses that you no longer need!
There may be some bills that you have to keep. But it may be possible to reduce the amount that you spend on them. For instance, could you reduce your tariff? Many people spend more money on their internet connection because they select a faster broadband speed than they really need, to cite just one example.
Reduce Your Debt
It’s normal to carry some debt. But the type of debt you’re carrying is important. If you’re paying off high-interest debt, then you’re wasting money. While it’s not the most fun way to spend your money, paying off those types of debts first will be beneficial in the long run. Another option is to take your high-interest debt and transfer it to a low-interest rate; you can often do this with credit card debt, for instance. You’ll still have to pay off whatever the balance is, but at least more of the money that you spend will go to actively clearing the debt rather than simply paying off the interest.
Set A Target
Many people begin their journey towards better finances with plenty of motivation and enthusiasm. But then soon slide back into their old habits. Why? Because motivation has a pretty poor correlation with long-term success. As soon as the initial motivation has begun to wane, so will the progress — and eventually, it’ll just come to an end. You’ll be much more likely to stay on the right path if you set yourself a target. People who set a goal when they sign up for a gym perform better than people who sign up on January 1st with the vague idea of getting fit. You can and should take the same approach with your finances.
It doesn’t really matter what the target is. What matters is that you have one and that you can continue working towards it until it’s complete.
Savings Accounts
There’s very little downside to putting some of your money into a savings account. In fact, the only downside is that you won’t have as much money for thrills and frills, but that is a pretty small sacrifice to make for having cash in your savings account. The earlier you start, the more money you have. Even small amounts of savings each month can have a big impact when you multiply that figure by several decades!
Begin Investing
Your salary shouldn’t be the beginning and end of your income. It should be the springboard that allows you to generate long-term wealth. While you’ll want to have a savings account, it’s also a good idea to allocate some of your income to investing. You can think of this as the act of “putting your money to work.” There are plenty of ways to invest; the most popular option at the moment is investing in cryptocurrency. Don’t worry if you don’t fully know how to do this yet. There are plenty of blogs you can read that’ll teach you, and you can also learn how to use TradingView for crypto trading to get even better results. If you take investing seriously, then it could really help you to generate long-term wealth.
Develop Discipline
Finally, look at learning the art of discipline. Of all the things that will impact your finances the most, this is probably the most important. There are people who have been worth millions who have ended up filing for bankruptcy because they had no discipline when it came to spending their cash. The people at the top of the financial chain very much do have discipline. Don’t worry if it doesn’t come naturally to you — it’s something that you can learn.
There’s often a lot of mystery surrounding finances. People seem to think that reaching a high level of financial security is something that’s overly difficult or perhaps even unattainable. But so long as you have an income, it’s always possible — it’s just a matter of following some tried and tested tips, like the ones that we’ve outlined above.