The summer heat is not only uncomfortable, but it can also be dangerous. We need to take care of our health and the health of those around us by finding ways to keep our homes cool during the hot months. It’s never fun just sitting at home in front of a fan just impatiently waiting for the sun to go down. Even then, the home is usually still too hot from the heat being trapped inside. So what are some ways to cool down the house? We have listed 4 helpful tips for helping you keep the heat out of the house so you can stay nice and cool this summer.
By Team Savant
Image: Daniil Onischenko
Get An Air Conditioner
While air conditioners are known for being pricey, they are one of the most effective ways of keeping a house nice and cool during the summer. While ACs have a lot of pros and cons such as whether or not they’re eco-friendly, it can be argued that they are one of the best ways to keep a house completely cool. Since there are different types of air conditioners like for a whole house or a small room, it’s important to know what you’re wanting and try not to keep your expectations too high.
One little machine can’t cool off an entire house unless you’re getting central cooling. So what if you need to determine if your air conditioner needs some maintenance? The best way to check if your air conditioner is working properly is to use a thermometer. The temperature of the air coming out of your AC should be at least 10 degrees cooler than the temperature in the room. If it’s not, then you need to get it serviced as soon as possible. Something such as air conditioning cleaning could be all it needs in order for it to be working as well as new again.
Get Blackout Curtains
Black-out curtains aren’t only fantastic for blocking out the sunshine, they can also entirely block out the heat as well, or at least some of it. While sunshine can help with making your home more spacious, it’s also going to make your home a lot hotter as well. This can be combated by simply having your curtains closed. Sure, this will leave your home staying dark but if you’re wanting to keep it cool then this is going to be one of the best options you can do.
Open Your Windows Early In the Morning and At Night
It’s best to have your windows opened only during the times that the sun isn’t at its highest peak or else you just may end up getting hot air in the house.
Avoid Using Your Stove or Oven
During the hotter months, it’s already quite difficult getting an appetite due to the heat. But the stove and the oven both emit a lot of heat. So when you’re cooking, there is a very high chance that you’re only increasing the heat instead. So during these hot periods, it may be best to skip out on cooking anything hot or consider using the microwave.