As a parent, you want to be sure that your children are safe when at home, no matter what. With everything going on in the world, your home should be the one place where all of you can feel secure and be yourselves. In addition to this, there are a few steps you can take in order to ensure your home is as safe as it can be for your kids, no matter what. That said, here are some tips on how to make your home safe for your children, ensuring a relaxing environment for everyone who lives there.
By Team Savant
Image: Brina Blum
1. Keep all cleaning supplies and other chemicals out of arm's reach
Cleaning supplies are necessary around the home, but these chemicals can cause all sorts of issues if a child ingests them. Keep anything that could be harmful to your children out of their reach and safely locked away in a cabinet or drawer.
In addition to this, make sure you have safety locks on any cabinets with medication inside so they cannot get into it without permission from an adult. This is important for everyone who lives at home, not just kids! You never know when someone may need some painkillers or other prescription medicine (such as antidepressants), so keeping them safe is essential for everyone's well-being.
2. Utilise plug protectors for electrical outlets
Outlets are a common entry point for electrical dangers. While you may think your home is safe from these, it's essential to keep an eye out and be aware of what could happen if something were plugged into one. If there are no plugs inside the outlets themselves (such as with outdoor ones), then consider getting plug protectors, which will block any chance of anything being inserted.
Plug protectors are also beneficial in homes where children live since they cannot get curious about electricity and stick foreign objects into them!
In addition to this, make sure that all cords lying around have been put away so that kids do not trip on them or play with them while unsupervised.
3. Install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors
These are two of the essential items to have in any home, especially one with children. Smoke and carbon monoxide can be deadly if left unchecked, so make sure that you're protected at all times by having smoke alarms installed throughout your living space (most commonly near bedrooms). As long as they are working properly and batteries haven't been dead for weeks or months on end, then you know you'll hear them when danger is nearby!
Regarding carbon monoxide detectors, these should protect against this life-threatening gas that could leak into a connected garage where cars run often. If there's nothing pumping exhaust outside, then chances are it may seep in through open windows/doors while people sleep and cause serious health problems.
In addition to this, make sure you have an air conditioning repair professional service your HVAC from time to time in order to keep dust and other allergens from gathering inside it, as well as keeping working fire extinguishers in a safe place so that they are accessible if need be!
By utilising the above tips, you’ll have a safe home that will bring reassurance to you as a parent as well, knowing your child can roam and be themselves without the risk of any harm coming to them!