The safety of engineers is one of the essential things in the workplace. To keep engineers safe, employers need to provide a safe environment and enforce safety rules. This article will give you some tips on how to do this and what type of policies need to be in place so your engineers can stay as safe as possible.
By Team Savant
Image: ThisisEngineering RAEng
Always Have Your PPE On
Make sure all your PPE is on before you go into the work area. Then, if something happens, like a mechanical failure or an explosion, and you're not wearing safety equipment, then it's game over for everyone involved. Even small objects can cause severe injuries without eye protection!
Every time you go into a work area or do anything related to your job, always make sure that you are wearing all the required PPE for the specific task at hand. If there is something wrong with it, then fix it immediately —don't wait until next week. As modern threats evolve, so do modern safety devices, and the technologies behind them. If you're not sure what kind of protection you will need, then you may check out a respirator supplier specialising in advanced defense equipment used by professionals worldwide.
The best way to prevent injury is by making sure that everyone knows what they need to do and when during a job task or process. Make it clear with visual aids, like posters on the wall or signs near an equipment machine, so people can easily see it from anywhere in the work area.
Assess Every Situation With a Keen Eye
When you start as an engineer, it can be easy to get caught up in the moment and end up hurting yourself or someone else. The best way to avoid this is by assessing every situation with a keen eye. While some general guidelines apply across all disciplines, each job has its own unique safety rules, so make sure you are familiar with the ones that govern your position.
Ensure that everything is in its rightful place and safely secured. Take a keen interest in electrical equipment and ensure that they are safely secured. If you notice worn-out enclosures, get new Temp-Pro enclosures to maintain safety and keep everyone safe.
When working with power tools or machinery, you must ensure everything remains safely enclosed in the right place. It means tying down any material you have lying around and keeping cords out of walkways where they could cause someone to trip.
Always Attend Safety Training
It's that simple. Some of the best engineers always made it a point to attend safety training even if they didn't have a direct responsibility to ensure the workplace condition meets the health and safety conditions. While not all companies require their employees to follow strict protocols when attending these sessions (like taking notes or facing away from people), there is no excuse for not attending.
Avoid Assumptions
Assumptions are the root of all evil. That means that assumptions can lead to people being injured or killed. If you assume something is true and it isn't, your engineering work won't be as good as it should be because things may not turn out quite how you expect them. Think about this for a moment. If you assume in your design, there is a good chance that things won't go quite to plan, which could lead to injury or death, so why not avoid assumptions altogether?
Doing something without making any (or many) assumptions means it should be as close to perfect as possible because you have done the work required to get to the point you want without leaving anything out.
Safety is paramount in any workplace to maintain productivity and the well-being of everyone. Understanding these tips is necessary for your success in the industry as an employer or employee.