It’s not always easy to be the boss. You are the person in charge of other people, and that’s not an easy job to have! Being in charge of a whole office of people and overseeing their goals and keeping them safe is tough, and it comes with a ton of pressure. When you’re in that management position, you are responsible for commanding respect from your team. You’re also responsible for being a leader more than a friend, which is difficult. From offering better employee benefits to offering an ear to listen to their problems, your employees need you to be a supportive employer. With this in mind, here are 5 signs to tell you that you are a great boss.
By Team Savant
Image: Tim Gouw
You’ll probably be wondering whether you are doing well at striking a balance for your employees, and wondering is going to help you to know whether you are a good boss or not. A third of employees have said previously that they have quit their job because of their manager: people don't quit great jobs, they quit bad bosses! If you know this, you know you need to work on making sure that you are a better boss.
1. You don't have favourites. There is nothing worse than being in an office as an employee and feeling like your boss prefers your colleagues over you, or feeling like your voice doesn't matter. When you are in the position of being the boss, you can make a concerted effort to not treat people like that, and playing favourites only tanks the morale in the office. You need to be inclusive and ensure everyone feels like you are there for them equally.
2. You’re treating people like people — not cogs. A good boss says yes to days off because of the kids. A good boss says yes to remote working when it’s feasible for all. People don't like to feel as if they're not a part of something; your employees want to feel like you recognise that they have lives outside the office, and if you’re doing this, you’re already a cut above the rest.
3. You’re happy to say yes to new things. As a manager, change isn't always easy, but it’s going to give you huge respect from your employees if you are willing to look at their ideas and pay attention to what they suggest.
4. Everyone is held accountable. It’s vital that you maintain accountability in the office as it helps with morale. You can encourage your staff to act with integrity this way and this leads to a better workplace culture. There’s no scapegoats, there’s no fingers pointed — it's all about a collaborative workplace.
5. You’re polite. Literally the best thing that shows you’re a good boss is that you speak to people politely and you have manners when you address others. You say please and thank you, and you smile. It’s simple but it’s effective, and it doesn't separate you from the others - it keeps you in line with them, too.