Ventilation has always been an important part of business premises. It helps to regulate temperature, expel harmful fumes, keep the air pure and allow your workers to see what they are doing. There are many ways to ventilate in your business and each way will be relevant to your business type. It's important to be aware of the type of material and design you require for your ventilation system. Not to mention, you also need to consider the design. This is perhaps the most important part as fast smooth airflow is the key to having a strong and powerful ventilation system. If you want it to last as long as you would expect it to, the maintenance of your ventilation is key, too.
By Team Savant
Image: Jasmin Sessler
Industrial Air Conditioning
If you just need a ventilation system that will keep the air fresh in your office, then an industrial air conditioner is the type of system you require. These will be larger than your average air conditioning unit for residential properties. It depends on which type you buy, but they are about 2-3x bigger. Hence they need to be fitted on the roof as they are so big and heavy they cannot fit onto the side of your business unless you have a strong structure.
If you need a unit just for your floor as you do not have your own premises, ceiling units are a great option. They don’t have a multidirectional function as they don’t have a large fan, however they are quite useful for controlling the flow of air in your floor.
Manufacturing Needs
For manufacturing, you need two types of ventilation systems preferably, merged into one. Firstly, you need an industrial flue, or chimney as you might call it. Speak with the correct Flue Suppliers for your industry as they come in single and double-lined variants. Not to mention, some are made out of iron, others out of steel or copper. It also depends on what type of air and temperature you are ventilating, as flues are used to ventilate air from furnaces, fireplaces, water heaters, generators and boilers to name a few.
A local exhaust ventilation system is complex as it involves complex piping going from room to room, or over different parts of the manufacturing floor. However, each exhaust has its own little fan, which will scoop up the murky air as it rises.
For Air Quality
Basic air quality is more important than ever as the pandemic has shown, businesses need to show they are keeping employees safe. Installing ceiling fans, keeping the windows open and allowing employees to have fans on their table are just a number of things you can do. Measuring air quality with an air quality monitor is a good way to constantly be aware of the air your employees are breathing. They’re also very easy to use.
Air quality and ventilation are top priorities for employees and business owners. Now is the time to update or install systems that protect your employees and keep the air of the utmost quality.