When your brand is invited to showcase themselves at a business event, such as a conference or convention, it is important to stand out. Not only that, but it is equally beneficial to ensure you are approachable and welcoming. Nobody will want to approach a brand that lacks personality and friendliness. Even at events that ooze seriousness and only the biggest names are attending, you will want to be receptive and entice them in. After all, these events can be the foundation and beginning of a successful business. If you ever attend an event to showcase your brand, here is how to be more approachable.
By Team Savant
Image: Ibrahim Boran
Have A Unique Stand
To stand out, you might want to invest in a custom trade show booth manufacturer setup. A trade booth will act as the stand-out feature for customers and clients. Here is where you can showcase your brand, its identity, and talk business. If your booth looks the same as everyone else’s, people might be uninterested and head to the stand that oozes fun and personality. Thus, having a unique brand stand will encourage people to visit yours instead of others.
Offer Freebies
Everyone loves a freebie. They are an easy way to encourage people over to your stand. For instance, if you are a snack brand, you could offer a taster. There, you can chat with potential customers or sponsor clients and grow your network. If you cannot offer a freebie in-person, as your brand offers services and not products, then you could offer a discount. This will show that you want to give back to those that want to support your business, which they will appreciate and find inviting. A discount is a great way to encourage people to use your brand.
Utilise Social Media
Although in-person events should encourage in-person communication, it can benefit your brand to use social media at the event. Being in line with the social media trends and usability will show customers that you want to continue the discussion after the event. For instance, you could offer people a freebie if they follow you on social media. They will encourage them to try your brand as well as stay engaged when the event is over. If you show that you are communicative and engaging, it will increase the chances of them finding you and your brand’s stand approachable.
It is important to promote your brand at a public event to ensure your stand and brand do not get missed out. Thus, you could promote your brand throughout the event. You can add stickers to walls, ensure your name is near the front or top of the leaflet/guide, and be listed on the event description. This will make people remember the name of your brand and are more likely to approach you when they see the stand. Along with a unique stand and a freebie, the chances that customers will find your brand approachable is high.