A lot of people assume that being depressed and being unhappy is the same thing. However, this is not the case. We all feel unhappy from time to time. However, depression is something different entirely. You need to figure out whether you are truly depressed or whether you are feeling down at the moment. With that being said, below, we are going to take a look at some of the different signs you should look out for if you feel that you may be depressed.
By Team Savant
Image: Mar Bustos
Changes in weight and appetite: There is only one place to begin when it comes to depression symptoms, and this is changes in appetite and weight. Both can fluctuate when you are depressed. The experience can differ from person to person. Some individuals will gain weight and have an increased appetite whereas others will lose weight and they will not be hungry. One of the indicators of whether or not diet changes are linked to depression is whether they are intentional or not. If they are not intentional, it could mean that depression has caused them.
Symptoms of anxiety: In addition to the points that we have already mentioned, depression has been shown to display anxiety. The two conditions tend to happen together. There are a number of different symptoms people experience when they have anxiety. This includes difficulty thinking clearly or focusing about anything other than what they are worrying about, muscle twitching, trembling, heavy sweating or increased sweating, rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, feelings of dread, panic, or danger, feeling tense, restlessness, and nervousness.
Increased sleep problems and fatigue: Depression can often make people feel incredibly fatigued and they experience a distinct lack of energy, which can be one of the most debilitating depression symptoms. This can result in sleeping excessively. Depression is also associated with insomnia. It could cause insomnia, or insomnia could cause depression. Both instances can end up making the other worse, so it becomes a vicious cycle.
Emotions that are not controllable: You may be crying uncontrollably at one point, and then in the next moment, you may experience an outburst of anger. Your emotions can feel up and down without a minute of notice. These are mood swings, and they are very common with depression.
You have lost self-interest: Aside from the points that we have mentioned so far, depression can take the enjoyment and pleasure out of the things that we once loved. A withdrawal from activities or a loss of interest in the things that you once looked forward to, such as going out with friends, hobbies, or sports, is another indicator that you may be feeling depressed. You may also lose interest in sex. Major depression symptoms include the likes of a lower sex drive and even impotence.
You feel like you have no hope: Last but not least, as major depression is a mood disorder, it has an impact on the way that we feel about ourselves and life in general. Having a helpless or hopeless outlook on life is one of the most common symptoms people experience when they are depressed. Other feelings can include inappropriate guilt, self-hate, and worthlessness. You may find yourself asking questions like “what is the point?” or “it is all my fault!”
As you can see, there are a number of different signs and indications that you may be suffering from depression. If you feel that this is the case, it is important to do something about it, rather than simply letting these feelings consume you.
However, knowing what step to take can often be difficult. After all, there are a lot of different causes of depression, and consequently, there are a lot of different treatments. A lot of people start to feel depressed when they get older because their hormones become unbalanced. If this is the case, you may want to think about looking into TRT for depression symptoms. Alternatively, you may want to think about speaking to a therapist to get to the bottom of why you are feeling this way.
Either way, taking the first step and getting the help that you need is important. We only get one life, and you want to spend as many of your days as happy as possible! Of course, it is not always that easy, but you can be sure you are not going to be in a state of depression forever. There is help available.