The risk of another Covid-19 variant has become a reality. A new mutation labelled Omicron contains 32 spike mutations and shows aspects of all previous Alpha, Beta Gamma and Delta variants. The new cases reportedly originated in South Africa and are making their way across the globe. However, unlike before, you have been through the worst. And you are better equipped for preparing your company in the face of Omicron.
By Team Savant
Image: Mathilde Langevin
Stock Essentials
As the world reacts to the latest Omicron variant of Covid-19, slowly but surely, services may decline or slow. Wastewater industrial tanks might not be emptied, partners may become sick, and office supplies could dwindle. You can act now to prepare for a possible worst-case scenario by ordering essential supplies now. Order production materials, replacement parts and book repairs for required machinery. Additionally, if you have employees on site. Now might be a good time to stock hand sanitiser, water, cleaning supplies and toilet roll.
Expand Remote Work
Throughout 2020 and 2021, some businesses were able to carry on thanks to remote work technologies. Cloud-based apps and digital communication have made it possible for specific industries to continue. For example, Google and Microsoft offer excellent programs through their office and video conferencing programs. Now is a crucial time to organise possible remote work scenarios in case of employees being present becomes a threat to health and safety. In this case, minimal staffing on your business site is essential. Yet remote work apps allow business continuity.
Expect a Lockdown
Further to preparing for reduced staff and supply shortages, you can get a jump on things to come by expecting another lockdown situation. The Omicron variant is confirmed to be more potent than previous Coronavirus mutations, and another wave of infection may occur worldwide. Depending on the nature of your business, you may be able to stay open. However, the hospitality, food, service and entertainment sectors will feel the effects of a lockdown. If you think you will be affected, gather resources such as government money applications now.
Reinstate Social Distancing Measures
Although a lockdown is possible, it might not happen. Given the transmission rates of Covid-19, we probably won’t know until into the new year. However, vaccination and booster rates are promising, with more people booking their jabs as required. This is only good news and will help significantly in the fight against the pandemic. However, vaccines alone aren’t the solution. You should reinstate social distancing measures to keep everyone safe. These conditions include mask-wearing, the encouragement of handwashing and regular sanitisation of equipment.
Make Contingencies for Clients
The impact of Covid-19 on business is unfathomable. Almost 100,000 companies that temporarily closed during the last lockdown period are now out of business in the USA alone. Millions of people have had their livelihoods effectively destroyed. And if you are still in business, you may not survive another lockdown. Therefore, you must make business contingencies now. Identify and analyse risks that may require action later. Call clients and inform them of impending disruption. You can then work to find a solution that benefits all parties, and monetary contingencies should also be made.