Women's Health: The Checks and Screenings to Not Ignore

Women’s healthcare is quite a broad topic, and does cover a lot of things. Women especially can go through a range of different things, all at different stages of life, which is why staying on top of your health as a woman can make a difference. When you’re younger you may experience pregnancy and hormonal issues, which later in life need screenings for different conditions, as well as more hormonal changes with the menopause. If you are a woman, here are some of the appointments that you shouldn’t put off, so that you can keep on top of your health.

By Team Savant


Seeing a gynecologist is something that you might not do regularly, but it is something to think about especially as you age. There are a range of conditions that impact women in that area, from cancers to infections, so knowing what is normal for you is really important. Pap smear tests are often done with a gynae, as well as doctors, so think about when you had your last one. Infertility is something that can flagged up at these kinds of appointments too, as well as them pointing you in the right direction of a home abortion, if required. All of these things will help to look after your health, so they are definitely worth thinking about and making an appointment for if you haven't for a while. 

Breast Screenings

Breast screenings are something that women shouldn’t put off. Although it can occur in a small minority of men, breast cancer is one of the most common cancers for women. By attending your breast screenings, which are usually mandatory after a certain age, it will be a good measure when it comes to being preventative with your health. In between these kinds of tests, it is a good idea to check your own breasts at home and know what is normal for you. If you feel any lumps or notice any discharge or pain in your breasts that isn’t explained because of pregnancy, for example, then you should get it checked out straight away. 

Mental Health

Although talking about physical health and the things that women go through at different times of their lives is important, it is also important to talk about mental health. Through stages of life, mental health can change. If you are feeling more anxious or low compared to normal, reach out to someone to talk. If you have experienced a big life change, such as having a baby or going through the menopause and you feel this low, then getting help is vital. Hormones can have a big impact on our mental health, so make sure that you seek out the help that you need. 

Although these are just a few of the things that women should be looking out for, there are a range of others, depending on age. By knowing your body and what is normal for you, as well as taking steps to be healthier with what you eat and how often you move, it can make a big difference to your overall health and well-being.