Have you ever had the urge to renovate your home? Perhaps you’re tired of the colour of your walls or maybe you’d like to finally replace some old windows that are looking worn and old. Whatever the situation is, when it comes to renovating your home, you often have two options to choose from; doing it yourself and hiring an expert. We’ll be breaking down some of the major pros and cons between the two so that you get a better understanding of what to pick.
By Team Savant
Image: Roselyn Tirado
Reasons to Hire a Professional
Hiring a professional will mean a lot less work on your part. This is often worth the added cost of hiring a professional since you’ll save lots of time, money and effort. Even the design process can be handled by a decorator. You simply need to tell them your preferences and they’ll be able to suggest designs. Keep in mind that the design process can take a fair bit of time and you’ll need to communicate with them back and forth to get the right ideas across.
However, this might worry some people. Having to communicate back and forth can be daunting, especially if you’re not accustomed to decorating or are concerned about the contractor themselves. That’s why many people speak with the decorators to get to know them before hiring them. After all, if they know you better then it’s likely that they’ll offer you a better service. That’s why some people prefer female decorators because it simply makes them more comfortable. You can be more open about personal preferences and you’ll generally be more friendly with someone who is similar to you.
So if you’re willing to invest the money into hiring a decorator, make sure that you pick someone who you enjoy working with. This will likely be the biggest contributing factor to a successful and cost-effective interior overhaul.
Reasons To Do It Yourself
Perhaps you’re keen on doing your own renovations. This is actually a great way to learn about decorating and you can build up important skills that’ll save you money in the future. The initial investment of doing DIY renovations can be high because you need to buy tools, materials and also invest time into practising. However, if you can get over the initial hump, then you’ll quickly pick up more skills and find yourself more comfortable with home DIY projects.
We wouldn’t suggest this option for anyone that doesn’t have time. While it can save you money in the long run and help you understand more about decorating your house, it takes a lot of time before you can get accustomed to it. If you think of it more as an educational and practical hobby then you’ll see greater results. However, if you think you’ll struggle to find time to do it, then we highly suggest just hiring a professional instead.
However, don’t let that put you off doing your own decorations. The DIY option feels great once you’ve finally finished a project and that excitement alone can often be worth the journey. DIY home decoration is also easier than you think and it can be professionally supported with expert advice and infrastructure – such as a portaloo — this gives you the best of both worlds as you get the sense of satisfaction coupled with a professional finish.