Believe it or not, it is entirely possible to make the house that you have just arrived in to feel like home on the very same day as you move. In fact, you can get the skinny on exactly how to do this in the post below.
By Team Savant
Image: Jason Briscoe
Sort Your Bedroom First
Image: SHOP SLO®
First of all, if your bedroom is in chaos, then your life is in chaos, and it's impossible to settle anywhere. What that means is, the first room to unpack, and get sorted should be the one that contains your sleep area.
It's not just about getting the furniture and bed in the right position, either. You will also need to make sure you have clean bedding to hand and take the time to hang curtains and blinds. Even a pair of suitable and modern wooden shutters will upgrade your private space instantly. Don't doubt it; this is a widely proven way to step in and leave your mark. In fact, your future self will thank you for this, because no matter how stressful and chaotic the rest of your new home gets in the move, you will have a quiet, restful oasis. One in which you can retreat and get a good night's sleep so you can hit things with enthusiasm the next day.
Unpack the Kitchen Next
Image: Christian Mackie
If you can't even make a cup of coffee without rooting around in boxes, it's tough to feel settled in a house. With that in mind, paying attention to getting your kitchen unpacked is vital.
The key to success here is that you don't want to throw things in cupboards and then have to come back to organise them later. You also don't want to spend the entire first day only getting your kitchen straight. To that end, take some time to plan where groups of items will go before you begin. It will make your task much more manageable.
Don't Leave Any Boxes Unpacked
Not leaving a single box packed on the day of your move can seem quite challenging. However, if you do your preparation correctly, it is totally possible. First off, you will need to invest some time in decluttering your old home before you move. Then you will only take items that you genuinely need to the new place, something that can mean there is a lot less to unpack.
Additionally, find a reliable, professional company like Chess Moving to help transport your boxes on the day. They can then take the boxes from your old home, place them on their vehicle, and take them off and place them in your new home at the other end. Something that means you will be preserving lots of valuable time and energy that you can use to unpack once your items arrive.
Finishing Touches
Image: Jonny Caspari
Why wait until weeks after you have moved in to complete the finishing touches to make your new house a home? Instead, be sure to prioritise hanging pictures and artwork on the walls.
Also, set aside some time to set up your TV, stereo, and other relevant electronic items. The reason being that having these things to hand and working can help you settle in most.