Fashion has a place in everyone’s lives, and the priority or obsession towards fashion can also vary from person to person. For some, it’s simply about dressing for the occasion and not really paying much more attention to it. For others, it might be about throwing anything and everything one but never really being bothered about what it is. Those who really love fashion and enjoy the shopping experience will get a lot more than just clothing. It can end up giving you that confidence you need and to help you feel good in yourself, for yourself. Here are some inspiring tips to help you fall in love with fashion, and curate a multi-purpose minimal wardrobe.
By Team Savant
Image: Laura Chouette on Unsplash
1. Experiment With What You Have
Experimenting is important because it’s all about finding out what you do and don’t like when it comes to that thing you’re experimenting with. Fashion is like art, and how we interpret pieces of clothing can be different for everyone. Some will like some fashion trends that are current, whilst others will prefer other styles of clothing. It’s good to firstly start off with what’s in your wardrobe and experimenting with it. Do you have outfits that you normally put together? Well, go further than that and explore what other items of clothing can be partnered together and you might find that you have a whole set of new outfits that you can show off without having to spend any money.
This is great for those who are conscious of shopping sustainably for the environment, or have only a specific amount to splurge on clothes on a yearly basis. Either way, look at your wardrobe and experiment with what you’ve already got to see what comes out.
2. Do A Decluttering Of Your Wardrobe
Declutters are great in life because it’s getting rid of the old and bringing in the new. Often, we can find ourselves staring at our wardrobes in frustration. Why can’t you find anything in your wardrobe that’s worth wearing today? It might be because you’ve not got the variety available to cater for every occasion. That’s something that can be the case for many people, and so it’s a good idea to do a decluttering of your wardrobe every now and then to find pieces that you simply don’t wear anymore. There are those of us who might have even purchased clothes, and they weren’t even something you would really wear to begin with.
A decluttering every season or at least every year can help you reset your wardrobe somewhat. It’s also very important to store your out of season clothing elsewhere to your main wardrobe. Unless you have plenty of storage space, you could always get yourself some vacuum bags and simply store all those clothes in the attic or in storage space.
3. Really Know Your Body Shape
The body shape is one piece of information that not everyone knows for certain. As you get older, your body shape can change for a number of reasons. You could put on weight or lose it. It could be having a child that can change the way your body is and simply aging too. That’s why it’s important to really know your body shape and to check this regularly to ensure you’re still that shape. The last thing you want is to be shopping for a shape you thought you were, but actually you’re no longer that shape. Body shape is important to know because it dictates what type of cut, style, and even material are best suited for you.
If you’re struggling to find what body shape you fall into, then it’s always worth seeking online advice or any professional with fashion sizing knowledge.
4. Find Statement Pieces
Statement pieces are something that is important to find in order to create a wardrobe that’s fitted for you. These statement pieces are also going to help you love fashion for what it is — a form of self-expression. From a simple shape when it comes to glasses or a trench coat to style any of your outfits, these key pieces are integral to your wardrobe. Investing in your wardrobe is important, and so it’s good to indulge a little more in the financial department when it comes to statement pieces. An excellent example of this would be to invest in your very own one of a kind Cartier watch. This piece is timeless, classy, and, as mentioned, an investment of note. Statement pieces are something that you want to last for a long time and still remain timeless year after year.
5. Don’t Just Follow the Trends
Following trends can be a great way of seeking inspiration, but at the same time, one trend isn’t for everyone. It’s also important not to rely on trends too much for fear of losing your own personality to it. Trends can provide you with great insight over what works and what doesn’t. You can pick and choose pieces that work for you from one trend and pieces from another trend. Use these trends as your vision board to create styles and looks that work for you. You can’t fall in love with fashion if you’re simply following trends for the sake of it. It should be clothing that you love, rather than something that is simply popular with the masses.
6. Pull Inspiration From Others
Finding inspiration in fashion can come from multiple outlets, and you should certainly look for inspiration if you’re not someone who is naturally invested in fashion itself. Social media can play a big role in your inspiration for clothing and can give you the knowledge you need to know what goes together and what might not look right for you. Take advantage of social media platforms when it comes to finding inspiration for your wardrobe. A great online platform to help you with your own vision board and fashion inspiration is Pinterest. It’s an easy way to pin looks together and to find inspiration from others around the world. It’s certainly something that can be really helpful when you might not have as much experience in shopping for clothing.
7. Find Clothing That Gives You Confidence
It’s very much the case that you should wear the clothing and for it not to wear you. Fashion is a way of expressing yourself through what you wear, but it can also be a good way of boosting your own confidence. When an outfit is really working for you, you can end up presenting yourself in a way that really shows off the outfit. That confidence is something you want to achieve with every single item that’s in your wardrobe, and if it isn’t, then it’s important to look at your clothing choices.
Many of us can often look for that validation when we look at the outfit in the mirror. We know, for the most part, what looks good on us and what doesn’t. Trust yourself to make the right choices and have confidence in how you look when wearing the outfits in your wardrobe. The more confidence you have, the more you will make those items of clothing really shine.
8. Acknowledge That Your Taste Can Change
It’s important to note that even though some pieces in your wardrobe might last for years, your taste is something that can change as you age. Some of the outfit choices or pieces might not be what you like now compared to what you like a few years back. That can come with growth and having more knowledge of fashion in general. And it’s ok to have a difference in what clothing you like and don’t like.
9. Work On Loving Yourself First
As much as clothing can bring you that confidence and loving fashion can be great for your own confidence, you need to work on loving yourself first. That’s very important when it comes to shopping because if you don’t like the way you look or feel, then no amount of clothing is going to change that for you. It’s important to do that before you start actively seeking new pieces for your wardrobe. Otherwise, you risk looking at your wardrobe, frustrated that you don’t have anything to wear. No matter what the outfit is, the confidence and love for it will always come from how your body wears it and how you feel in that moment.
It’s important to use fashion to inspire you and help express who you are as a person. It’s a way of elevating yourself and making the clothing show who you are. Whether you want to dress using your personality or simply to find stylish pieces that fit your body properly, fashion can be fun. There’s so much out there and so many different styles and trends that can come from fashion. It makes it a unique experience for everyone, and it should be something that all people can enjoy.
Use these tips to help find your passion for fashion and to create a wardrobe that’s suited just for you in mind. Falling in love with fashion should be something that happens every time you put together a new outfit or find a new piece for your collection.