The pandemic has taken its toll on everyone all around the world. For the first time ever, the whole of the planet’s population has been affected by a virus that’s potentially harmful and contagious, that we’re restricted from doing the things we love the most. This has affected the minds of many people, and it’s completely understandable if you’ve been struggling due to the effects of the pandemic. However, now is a better time than ever to slow things down, so you can heal your mental health and begin the road of recovery.
By Team Savant
Image: Dan Meyers
Your first port of call should always be speaking to your GP when you’re struggling with poor mental health, as they can give professional advice and treatment. In the meantime, you might consider trying some of these tips and tricks.
1. Write Down How You’re Feeling
Sometimes it’s hard to talk about the way you’re feeling, even with loved ones! If this is something you can relate to, consider starting a journal and writing down the day’s events and how they’ve made you feel. You’ll be surprised at how much of a weight it can take from your shoulders, and also how much easier it is to fall asleep. While you may not actually be telling anyone, getting it off your chest by writing it down can be very therapeutic.
2. Use Medical Cannabis
If you’re struggling mainly from anxiety, medical cannabis can dramatically help calm you down. You will have to obtain a prescription from your Doctor, but you’ll find that it helps level out your mind. You don’t have to use cannabis with glass bongs or smoking it directly either if you don’t want to! It can be baked into food, used in a vaporizer, and can even be found in patches or creams and lotions! Explore options that work well for you and most importantly, help calm your anxiety.
3. Take Time Out For You
It’s easy to lose track of your mental health when you’re running around with work and family obligations! Make time each day (or as often as possible) to do something that you enjoy! Whether that be a long soak in the bath, reading a good book, or even going hiking, doing something for yourself little and often will help repair your mental state of mind.
4. Learn To Be A Little Selfish!
There’s nothing worse than feeling obligated to do something because you’ve agreed to it at an earlier date, and learning to be a little bit selfish will help repair your mental health and also help remind you that you come first! Say no to plans, take a mental health day, and avoid situations that will make your mental health worse such as confrontations and crowded places. Be selfish by taking care of yourself both physically and mentally. Eat well, get plenty of exercise, laugh often, and you’ll soon find your general well-being and mental health improving. It’s a long road to recovery, but you’ve got to start somewhere.