We’re living in an age where the vast majority of businesses engage with outsourcing — the process of handing over projects or tasks to a third party to complete. But could bringing tasks, projects and roles in house actually prove to be better for your business? This, of course, will depend entirely on your business’ individual needs. But for now, let’s take a look at the 3 important areas you might want to consider bringing in house.
By Team Savant
Image: ThisisEngineering RAEng
1. Recruitment
Bringing recruitment in-house is one of the best moves any business can make. Nowadays, the vast majority of companies will use third party recruitment agencies to source their staff. But by having in-house recruiters, you will have people who are more familiar with your company and can consequently find the best candidates possible! You’ve got a much better chance of finding a good cultural fit for your business when using in-house recruiters.
2. Manufacturing
Manufacturing is one of the most commonly outsourced business processes out there. This is understandable. For many startups and small businesses, outsourcing is a cost effective way to manage manufacturing. This is because small businesses are much more likely to change the products that they provide on a regular basis, as they get a feel for what the consumer market wants and what sells. Having to sell existing equipment and machinery and buy new equipment and machinery every time a change is made would prove extremely inconvenient. Instead, by outsourcing, these small enterprises can switch easily and quickly as and when the business requires. However, if your business is well established and you’re set with your product lines, you could find that bringing manufacturing in house is much easier and more cost effective for you and your brand. Remember that when you outsource manufacturing, you’re covering the costs of the company and workers who are manufacturing for you. You can cut out this extra profit for someone else by having your own equipment and your own staff to carry out the work. Plus, you can gain much more control over the products you produce!
3. HR
HR stands for human resources and is an essential department for any company. to a larger company’s success. Individuals who work in HR departments will complete a whole variety of tasks, including providing a framework for the policies and procedures that come hand in hand with the employment of new staff; providing guidance, support, and advice to employees; and resolving employee issues or complaints. This is a role that requires interpersonal relationships to be built on a professional level. Of course, having an in-house HR team will mean your HR team can forge closer bonds with your other staff and resolve issues or plan work more effectively and fairly.
These are just a few departments and tasks you can bring in-house. Some are easy to implement. Some are more difficult. Regardless, they’re generally worth the investment when the time is right.