Since 2010, Americans have topped the chart as the most unhappy people in the West. Do you blindly say ‘yes’ to everything that comes your way? Fortunately, you are not alone because several people admit to being afraid to say ‘no’ even to themselves. People tend to associate a ‘no’ to missing out on fun activities when, in fact, it is a way to avoid problems and cause you to feel unhappy. Here are four things you should say ‘no’ to for a happier life.
By Team Savant
Image: Candice Picard
1. Procrastination
Stop the habit of postponing things you should be doing now. To help achieve this, think through your friends and family to identify who could fit into the role of an accountability partner. Discover the necessity in the tasks you plan to do and learn to enjoy doing them. For example, you think about your debt elimination and how to go about it — instead of pushing it aside.
2. Negativity
Negative self-talk is very common among people who doubt their strengths and capabilities. If you have ever hated yourself because of a weakness you have, you are brewing negative thoughts. Think about all the times you have overcome your fears and weaknesses. These are ways to draw positive energy to uplift yourself. It would help if you improved on your thought processes and how they influence your outlook on life.
3. Junk Food
Image: Pinar Kucuk
You already know non-nutritious foods are unhealthy, but you cannot seem to stop the cravings you have for them. It is a situation that requires a strong sense of self-discipline and self-love. To make this work, you should consciously ignore the junk food shelves when you go grocery shopping. Moreover, your home should never be a place to keep them in the first place. So try to empty those secret candies and snacks drawers and delete the fast-food numbers. Begin to cook your meals and have fun doing it. For example, you can subscribe to online recipe services which help busy people to cook nutritious meals.
4. Say No To Being Unproductive At Work
Are you in the habit of aimlessly browsing the internet and checking social media at all hours when in the office? That translates into a full day of unproductivity even when you receive monthly salaries. To remain on the right path, be appreciative of your employment and enjoy your work. Keep in mind that by outdoing yourself, you give your bosses more than enough reason to pay you a bonus or even grant a promotion.
Blindly saying yes to everything around you is not a healthy way to stay happy or appreciative of the good things around you. On the other hand, saying ‘no’ is indicative of your ability to take a mental step back and reassess the benefits of a circumstance or situation. You may wish to begin this new path by setting priorities and refusing to please others on the whim. You can start to feel less or no guilt at all by seeking out the important things that bring you happiness.