Your appearance in the workplace impacts your professional life to a large extent. From the hiring process to salary increments and job promotions, your appearance, coupled with the right skill set, is an essential factor for progress in the workplace. Did you know that appearance discrimination in the UK makes up 7% of all reported workplace issues? Here are 4 reasons why your appearance is a big subject in the workplace.
By Team Savant
Image: Laura Chouette
1. It is a mark of respect for the company’s dress code
A company’s dress code is a reflection of workplace uniformity and is accompanied by employee psychology. While some companies relax the rules and give staff the freedom of choice, you still have to tread cautiously. Usually, in more formal office settings, you are likely to wear neutral coloured blazers with business suits or skirts. Always ensure your outfit is stylish, yet simple. It may sound quite burdensome initially, but once you understand the rules and policies set by your company, you will know what to do.
2. Appearance has an immediate impact on colleagues and superiors
It is perfectly normal for a person to judge a new employee by their clothes and body language. Several people tend to think verbal interaction is all that matters, but what they do not know is that non-verbal impressions are equally important. Your overall outlook in the workplace usually embodies your personality and level of confidence. However, certain elements may hinder your ability to exude an infectious personality. For instance, you may have tardy fingernails or body odour. Perhaps, your bald spot causes you to use a somewhat out of place toupee. In that case, you may want to consider an FUE hair transplant, which is a convenient solution to your hair problems.
3. A reflection of motivation and professionalism
Skills, experience, and academic qualifications are vital in the workplace, but what many fail to realise is that personal presentation is equally important. It would help if you kept in mind that your appearance reflects the business’ brand and customers will judge based on their first impressions of you. A crumpled outfit, messy hair, or the wrong pair of shoes do not portray professionalism. Dressing appropriately makes you come off as professional and responsible to your customers and your colleagues.
4. It primes you up for leadership positions
You may see a typical leader as a clean, brilliant, excellent communicator, and as sharply dressed personalities wielding significant influence in the workplace and outside. Interestingly, what contributes most to this perception is the appearance factor. It is a culmination of professionalism, power, commanding respect, and personal branding. If your ultimate aim is to get high up the corporate ladder, these are vital elements to begin practicing now.
Placing value on gaining relevant work experience or even furthering your education are great choices. However, it would be best if you also dedicated time to improving your appearance. There will be no point in becoming the best in your field when everyone around you is not pleased with your appearance in the professional setting.