Mystics believe that everything on earth has energy — and science has not proved them wrong. Energy flows through everything while electrons orbit protons and neutrons. As they do, they sing at undetectable frequencies. Individual crystals vibrate with the harmony of this music, and their use can attract positivity into your life.
Words: Kate Harveston
Image: Sarah Brown on Unsplash
What crystals can you use to boost your energy and mood? Begin by identifying a specific need that you have, an area where your life needs enhancement. Then, find the right stone, and activate the energy to your favor.
1. To Increase Energy
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You might think of energy as something you either have or lack. However, instead of imagining it as a material possession, visualise it flowing like the wind or a river. When you picture this image in your mind's eye, it's clear to see how the energy of a quartz crystal can boost your levels.
The transparent molecules of quartz radiate the flow of vital energy and increase your overall vigor while providing focus. This gem also enhances the properties of other crystals. Carry a piece in your pocket like a worry stone. Add one to your altar to increase the potency of your magic.
2. To Combat Pain
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Millions of Americans suffer from chronic pain. People who prefer to avoid drugs or surgery can look to alternative healing methods, such as acupuncture, massage or crystal therapy.
To use crystals in healing, try aligning your gemstone colours with the hue of your chakras in the region you feel discomfort. Green gemstones, such as peridot, work well for lowering blood pressure and reducing stress, as this shade mirrors the heart chakra. Purple gemstones, like amethyst, are associated with your crown chakra. They can alleviate headaches and mental disorders.
3. To Ease an Anxious Mind
Today's hectic world can leave you feeling frazzled and out-of-sorts. When you continually rush from a late night at the office to picking up the kids at soccer practice, the levels of stress hormones in your blood rise. Over time, this flood of chemicals can have detrimental health effects.
Combat the toxicity of stress by carrying a healing stone, like calcite or lithium quartz, with you. These crystals help balance your hormone levels naturally and banish feelings of panic and anger. If you have a social anxiety disorder, try carrying sodalite in your purse or pocket. This mineral can stimulate self-confidence and personal expression.
4. To Conquer Depression
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Depression is a top cause of disability in the U.S., and not everyone benefits from the typical first-line approaches. Crystals are certainly not a replacement for your doctor’s advice, but they’re certainly worth trying as a complement to traditional therapies. Hey, if anything can help just a little, it’s better than nothing, right?
The best crystal to help combat depression depends on the cause of your despair. If you're feeling existential angst, you can reach for turquoise. This gem reveals inner truth and promotes self-awareness and the acceptance of knowledge. If your melancholy stems from feeling overwhelmed, use an orange stone, like spessartine. These minerals can inspire and energize you to keep going on dark days.
5. To Overcome Obstacles
Maybe you have a big client presentation approaching at work. Perhaps you've decided to approach your boss about a raise. If so, reach for lapis lazuli and garnet to discreetly line your pocket. Some red stones, like carnelian, also energise you and instill you with the confidence you need to go after what you want.
6. To Manifest Wealth
Money may not solve all problems — but it eases a host of issues. If you're going to attract more wealth into your life, look for gold and green crystals. In particular, iron pyrite, or fool's gold, ignites the fire of vitality and courage you need to chase your dreams. Walk into many nail salons, and you'll see jade Buddhas and elephants. Put a small piece in your wallet to attract more greenbacks.
7. To Create Harmonious Relationships
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You can have all the money in the world, but without love, life can feel hollow. Plus, your private relationships provide a needed retreat from the chaos of the outside world. If you're looking for love, try wearing a moonstone or rose quartz crystal. Perhaps you want to expand your tribe? Reach for green selenite to broaden your circle of trusted friends.
You can enhance your energy and your mood with the use of crystals. From quartz to calcite, use our list to figure out what gemstone you need to attract what you need most in your life.