Tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia tree. The high quantity of the chemical Terpinen-4-o in the composition of tea tree oil adds an element of wonder to the oil. The significance of tea tree oil can be realised from the fact that it is extensively used in the manufacturing and production of cosmetics and beauty products. Therefore, it is widely appreciated, as it works and performs the function of a natural disinfectant that provides the solution to endless hair and skin problems.
Words: Sara, Beauty Blogger and Guest Author
Organic Skincare Tips: 6 Wonders of Tea Tree Oil for Your Skin #Savant
The use of tea tree oil is considered as the jack of all trades, especially when it comes to utilising the oil for home remedies. No doubt it is a naturally occurring product, which ensures there are no side effects. But still, it is advised to use tea tree oil with certain precautions. Make sure to take precautions before the direct use of tea tree oil. When you use tea tree oil, make sure it is diluted with water or viscous solvent, such as olive oil.
Enlisting the benefits of tea tree oil, we found that majority of them address skin issues, with the aim to give you a glowing and happy skin. This article highlights some of the wonders of tea tree oil that can be achieved easily by its regular use in home remedies.
1. Best Healing Agent for Acne
Nowadays, many of us suffer from severe acne, which gives our skin an impure look. If you have tried some solutions and still feel helpless, then try tea tree oil massage therapy. Tea tree oil massage is considered as the best natural alternative to get rid of acne without any harsh side effects. As previously mentioned, tea tree oil works as a natural disinfectant and fights away acne-producing bacteria on the skin. The terpinen-4-ol in the oil aids in the drying of pimples, while disinfecting it to minimise redness and swelling. The best way to use it for face application is to mix a few drops of tea tree oil with one tablespoon each of yogurt and honey, and apply it on the are affected by acne.
2. Heal Burns Quickly and Efficiently
The second biggest wonder of tea tree oil is regarding its fast and effective healing power. Most of us have experienced minor and major burns in our lifetime, but we are more concerned about how to get rid of a burned imprint on our skin. Tea tree oil can be the best natural treatment for minor burns. Again, tea tree oil is not to be used directly on the burned area. For this purpose, rather make a mixture of honey with a small quantity of tea tree oil. The combination acts on the affected area by reducing scarring and soothing the pain.
Source: StyleCraze.com
3. Say 'No' to Dry Skin and Get a Glowing Skin
Tea tree oil acts as a moisturising agent for the dry skin. The solution of tree tea oil, when mixed with glycerin, can provide immediate results by softening the skin. Moreover, the tea tree oil also acts as a hydrating agent. Regular use of tea tree oil while massaging can keep your skin hydrated, fresh and glowing for a longer period. Tea tree oil acts as an anti-imperfection solution on the skin. The results can be monitored in the form of a cleansed and healthy looking skin. Moreover, it is highly recommended to address the problem of black and white heads. The regular use of tea tree oil can ensure you a smooth and glowing skin.
4. Natural Home Remedy for the 'Pink Eye'
Most of us suffer from the disease of conjunctivitis, also known as the 'pink eye', at some point in our life. It is quite painful and causes severe itching in the eyes. To reduce the pain and itching, the best natural home remedy available is using the tea tree oil in a dropper. To address the problem, boil green tea bags or leaves in water and add a few drops of tea tree oil. Cook the mixture for five minutes and allow it to cool. Place it on your eyes and keep it for almost twenty minutes. This will provide immediate relief by reducing itching and redness.
5. Works as an Anti-Fungal Agent
Most of us often suffer from problems, like the athletes' foot. This problem is the result of wearing socks and closed shoes during working hours, and when you take them off, you experience a bad odor that is quite irritating. In this condition, the tea tree oil massage can serve as an immediate tool to get rid of the sharp smell. Even as a precaution, the anti-fungal nature of tea tree oil will help avoid any growth of fungus.
Source: MyBeautyNaturally.com
6. Best for Scalp Massage
No doubt the wonders of tea tree provides cure-all care to endless hair and skin issues. The use of tea tree oil for scalp massage will result in more healthy and long hair. The regular use may also address the issue of hair fall. The massage will help in the increased blood flow as a result of which blood cells can deliver proper nutrients to the follicles to grow at a faster pace. The massage is considered both refreshing and soothing, and provides an overall positive energy flow.
Author Bio:
Sara is a psychologist by profession and she loves massage therapies. She enjoys home-based work and travelling. She is obsessed with massage chair therapies and other relaxing techniques. She regularly posts at https://mymassagechairs.com/.