Photography Careers You Can Make A Living From

Many people say, "choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." These are wise words, but how can they come to fruition? Well, if you're an aspiring photographer, here are some creative careers that can help you turn your passion into income you can live off of. 

By Team Savant


Wedding Photographer

Being a wedding photographer is considered the ideal choice for making a living out of capturing moments and images. There's a high demand for it! It's meaningful, and it pays well. And you get to shoot photos that people will treasure forever! A way to get into wedding photography is through partnerships, building professional relationships with caterers, venues, and stores. There are downsides to this career. You will need to develop excellent people skills and be ready to deal with picky, demanding clients and stressful situations. You also need to be prepared for the wedding photographer's off-season, meaning the times where the weather is not right for people to get married. 

Stock Photographer

This is one of the more accessible photography careers, and yet it is also quite ignored. It's a great way to make some extra money, maybe not enough to live off, but it's a good start. You can start by selling photos already in your portfolio on micro-stock platforms like Adobe Stock. These have a lower entry barrier and account for the largest sales. Professionals in the field also recommend uploading a few dozen images a month to take full advantage of these platforms' opportunities.


Photojournalism is the act of documenting events for publication. 'An image is worth a thousand words, is the truest here. Photojournalists must capture still images that perfectly convey complex stories. It would put you at the forefront of the news and culture and help you become a visual storyteller. There does, however, need to be a lot of dedication, and you may likely have to start covering not amazing events and working as a freelancer. With time, you'll be able to start submitting your work for publication and hopefully make a name for yourself in a trusted news agency. 

Commercial Photographer

Commercial photography includes images used to market products and services, such as architecture, products, portraits, and food. These photos appear in media such as ads, catalogs, websites, and social media. One skill that needs to be enhanced is the focus on technical knowledge. There may not be a story behind the shots you take. However, you will still be capturing photos that people can enjoy! Any image you may like on Instagram can fall under the commercial photography category. And, the rise of social media has had a major impact in this field. More photographers are actively reaching out to brands for commercial collaborations. 

Travel Photographer

Travel photography for many is a dream come true, you get to spend your days exploring new locations and culture, and you actually get paid to do so! The travel fever is more contagious with social media! So, suppose you want to pursue this career. In that case, it is important to think about the hard work behind it, whether it be getting up ridiculously early for those sunrise shots or carrying heavy camera accessories for hours on end. Staying indoors editing rather than chilling on a beach. But the results are worth it in the future!